Healthy Grief - Normalizing & Navigating Loss in a Culture of Toxic Positivity

RECORDED Wednesday, February 7, 2024 9:00 AM PST

FREE Event

Get ready to unlock your potential to navigate life’s losses, even if you have been grieving for years! 

Learn techniques utilized by counselors, athletes, celebrities, peak performers, entrepreneurs, and others who have forged a path to success. 


Flourish Beyond Life's Struggles


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to flourish while others remain trapped in a never-ending cycle of struggle? 

Are you seeking answers to how some individuals are fueled to great success after heart-wrenching life events? 

If so, you've come to the right place. 

Join us for an empowering event where we dive into the incredible potential of the human mind following loss, which can be both our overwhelming adversary and our most powerful ally. 

During this life-changing event, you will learn techniques utilized by counselors, athletes, celebrities, peak performers, entrepreneurs, and others who have gained freedom after loss to live life to the fullest. Gain valuable insights into quick techniques to bounce back when life tries to knock you down. 

No matter what grief you are struggling with, this is your moment to honor and release your past, empower your present, and healthfully move forward to a successful and empowering future! 

Meet Your Empowering Guide ...

Dr. Karen Kramer

Grief Recovery Expert / Author / Speaker

Meet Dr. Karen Kramer, an expert in quickly identifying, releasing, and unleashing the power of the human mind. As a motivational speaker, author, and mindset empowerment expert, Dr. Karen's strategies have transformed the lives of countless individuals and corporations worldwide for over three decades. With a profound understanding of the human mind and a specialization in grief recovery, she passionately guides people through heart-wrenching experiences such as divorce, loss of loved ones, and loss of identity to find happiness, health, wealth, and passion.

Don't miss this opportunity to take charge of your mind and transform your life.  Join us for an unforgettable event filled with insights, empowerment, and inspiration.

Register today, and get ready to unlock the potential within you to navigate loss healthfully and create a life of fulfillment and success!


Launch & Learn

Get ready to unlock the potential to navigate loss healthfully and create a life of fulfillment!